Ok so at the beginning of this project, on like the first day that she described it to us, I basically sat down at the computer and just watched a ton of How To's on Photoshop so I could get a really good idea of how I wanted to manipulate my photos. I found some really cool stuff, most of what I watched, I never used and will probably never use, but the ones I actually found helpful I have listed below. These might be helpful for any of you who are burning the midnight oil and need some inspiration.
This one taught me how to use Copy Merge. I was not even looking for it when I was researching, but stumbled upon it and used it like 4 times to manipulate my photos. It is kind of like a "merge layers" but without actually merging all the layers.
This is a really knowledgeable guy that talks about how to use the warp tool, which I used on both of my words. I found the warp tool on my own, but I thought posting a video would be more interesting than explaining.
I also found that the "blending options" on your layers can add really cool effects. It is probably set on your Photoshop to normal. But if you click the drop down, there are a bunch of different things you can do. I had SO MUCH FUN with this tool! I created my own blend of fabrics using this tool. For example I piled two dresses on top of eachother and "overlayed" the top one so it blended into the bottom one, making the bottom go from matte to shiny and sparkly. I definitely recommend that you try it!
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